@article{oai:kobe-c.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001804, author = {野嵜, 玲児 and 熊取谷, 薫 and 北川, 智美 and 西原, 光恵 and NOZAKI, Reiji and KUMATORIYA, Kaoru and KITAGAWA, Tomomi and NISHIHARA, Mitsue}, issue = {1}, journal = {神戸女学院大学論集, KOBE COLLEGE STUDIES}, month = {Jul}, note = {P(論文), The second issue of the flora of Okadayama Campus describes 275 plant species in 62 families belong to a subclass Choripetalae, class Dicotyledoneae, subdivision Angiospermae, division Spermatophyta.}, pages = {131--164}, title = {神戸女学院岡田山キャンパスの高等植物相(II). : 各論第2部 : 種子植物門,被子植物亜門,双子葉植物綱,離弁花亜綱}, volume = {53}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ノザキ, レイジ and クマトリヤ, カオル and キタガワ, トモミ and ニシハラ, ミツエ} }