@article{oai:kobe-c.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001823, author = {古庄, 高 and FURUSHO, Takashi}, issue = {2}, journal = {神戸女学院大学論集, KOBE COLLEGE STUDIES}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), We parents begin toilet training usually in the second year of our children. In accordance with the general development of the muscle system, children become possible to control the anal zone. At the same time, the parents begin to teach many daily behaviors such as tooth brushing, hand-washing, and cleaning up the room. But the traditional teaching methods of child-raising they decided to use came from an autocratic society and were upheld by society as a whole. They are no longer effective in a democratic society today. Our children will not blindly accept the dictates of the parents. They may react with hostility and vengeance to outwit their dominating parents. Therefore we must learn new ways of raising and educating children. Parents should be neither permissive nor punitive. Alfred Adler said that every child begins to fix for himself a goal of superiority in his second or third year, as a rule. The innate desire to become better, to become superior, to move forward and onward, arises within him. This is what is called "growth force" as the basic human dynamic. At the very basis of a child's development lies his striving for superiority or striving for perfection. But it is very important that all striving is toward the useful side of his social living. Humans are social and we must see the behavior of all individuals in a social context. Adler used the concept of "social interest" which makes individual growth striving to move in the social direction. He thought every kind of action upon the useless side of life can be more or less traced to lack of social interest. Social interest thus became an aptitude which has to be developed consciously through understanding and educating children.}, pages = {129--148}, title = {アドラー心理学による幼児のしつけ}, volume = {53}, year = {2006}, yomi = {フルショウ, タカシ} }