@article{oai:kobe-c.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001903, author = {藏中, さやか and KURANAKA, Sayaka}, issue = {1}, journal = {神戸女学院大学論集, KOBE COLLEGE STUDIES}, month = {Jun}, note = {P(論文), The Diary of Matsudaira Yamato no Kami is a personal memoir written by Matsudaira Naonori (1642-1695) from 1656 to 1695. It conveys the daily life of a daimyo in the early modern times and has been highly estimated as historical resource in research of dramas such as Kabuki, Noh, and Kyogen. This paper compiles and analyzes the kohitsu (ancient calligraphy) and the related articles during Kanbun Era (1661-1673) of Diary, based on the preceding research that Diary shows Naonori's love of calligraphy and painting since youth. As the result of the analysis, while reflecting the contemporary trend, Naonori's strong interest in the kohitsu including stories, books on poetry and especially those by Fujiwara no Teika (1162-1241) is confirmed. Also, the aspects of active human exchanges of the time bearing on the kohitsu is verified. Furthermore, a piece of Chinese poem presumably by Fujiwara no Teika which was copied by Naonori under the entry of Dec. 24th, the 4th year of the Kanbun Era (1664), stands as a precious piece adding to the scarce collection of Teika's only 34 remaining pieces of Chinese poems. Its translation into Japanese and interpretation are demonstrated in this paper.}, pages = {A1--A14}, title = {『松平大和守日記』古筆関連記事(寛文年間)、瞥見}, volume = {55}, year = {2008}, yomi = {クラナカ, サヤカ} }