@article{oai:kobe-c.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005432, author = {津上, 智実 and TSUGAMI, Motomi}, journal = {女性学評論, Women's Studies Forum}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論では、戦後初の芥川賞受賞作家として知られる由起しげ子(1900~1969)について、神戸女学院音楽部在学時(1918~1921)とその前後の音楽教育歴の輪郭を、本学所蔵資料によって描き出すことを目的とする。「由起しげ子」は本名を「伊原(旧姓、新飼)志げ」と言う。新飼志げは17歳の1918年4月に神戸女学院音楽部に入学し、20歳の1921年1月に中退している。ここでは、1)音楽部在学時の音楽教育、2)山田耕筰(1886~1965)との師弟関係、3)山田耕筰との交流を示す資料について、その概略を描き出す。1)神戸女学院大学図書館所蔵の「音楽レッスン帳」(1907~1923)によれば、新飼志げは1918年春学期と秋学期、1919年冬学期の3学期間にピアノとオルガンと歌のレッスンを並行して受けており、その教材は主に初学者用のものであったと判明した。幼少期にピアノを習う機会を与えられなかったため、必ずしも手が回る弾き手ではなかったようである。2)山田耕筰との師弟関係については、特にその始まりがいつであったかという点で先行研究には大きなばらつきが見られるが、関連史料を精査した結果、1917年2月25日の大阪ホテルでの出会いが最初で、その際に新飼は山田に弟子入りを許されたというのが一番事実に近いという結論に達した。「由起しげ子文庫」には新飼の作曲作品は含まれておらず、対位法の勉強の跡を示す簡単な譜例とメモが残されているだけである。3)由起の長期入院と結婚・渡欧によって作曲の勉強は放棄されたが、それでも山田との交流は生涯にわたって続いたことが、「由起しげ子文庫」所蔵の山田耕筰の署名と献辞入りの出版譜や書簡、また後年の両者の執筆物から明らかとなった。, This paper aims to outline the music education given to YUKI Shigeko (1900-1969), a female writer and the first Akutagawa Prize winner after the Second World War in 1949, through the examination of the historical materials donated to and owned by Kobe College as the YUKI Shigeko Library. Yuki Shigeko being her pen name, her original name is IHARA nee SHINKAI Shige. She entered the Music School of Kobe College in April 1918 and left it in January 1921. In this paper the following three points are examined: 1) Music education she received in Kobe College, 2) her master-pupil relationship with YAMADA Koscak (1886-1965), and 3)their relationship in their lives. 1) Lesson Notebook of the Music School of Kobe College (1907-1923) tells us that she had piano, organ and vocal lessons in the Spring and Fall terms of 1918 and Winter term of 1919, and that the materials she studied were mainly for beginners. Without receiving any piano lessons in her childhood, she seems to have been rather slow in her hand movement. 2) Concerning her master-pupil relationship with YAMADA, the opinions of scholars diverge, especially on its beginning time. Through a close investigation of the related materials, it has become clear that they met for the first time on the 25th February 1917 in Osaka Hotel, and at that time she became his pupil. However the YUKI Shigeko Library does not contain any music piece composed by YUKI Shigeko Library does not contain any music piece composed by YUKI, but only some notes and notebooks, which show her study of counterpoint. 3) Although her study of composition with YAMADA stopped because of her hospitalization, followed by her marriage and stay in Europe, their personal contact continued all through their lives, as testified by their letters and writings in journals as well as some printed music books signed by YAMADA with a dedication to YUKI.}, pages = {65--86}, title = {神戸女学院所蔵資料に見る由起しげ子の音楽教育歴}, volume = {31}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ツガミ, モトミ} }