@article{oai:kobe-c.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005460, author = {張野, 宏也 and HARINO, Hiroya and 三村, 菜摘 and MIMURA, Natsumi and 中嶋, 光 and NAKAJIMA, Hikaru and 八束, 絵美 and YATSUZUKA, Emi and 山尾, 千晶 and YAMAO, Chiaki}, issue = {1}, journal = {神戸女学院大学論集, KOBE COLLEGE STUDIES}, month = {Jun}, note = {神戸女学院内の排水および下水道管への接続部分で採水を行い、有機物、陰イオン界面活性剤、窒素およびリンの濃度を測定した。中高等部からは有機物、窒素およびリンの負荷が多く、学生寮からはこれらの物質に加えて、陰イオン界面活性剤の排水中への負荷が大きかった。さらに、中高等部からの寄与が大きい地点では、午前と午後の濃度の差はほとんど求められないが、学生寮からの排水は、午前の方が午後に比べ濃度が高い傾向がみとめられた。また、11月-12月にかけて、陰イオン界面活性剤の濃度に大きな変化は認められなかった。, The concentrations of organic substances, anionic surfactant, total nitrogen and total phosphorous in discharged water from Kobe College were measured. Organic substances, total nitorogen and total phosphorous were discharged into drainage water from the dormitory was high. Although the differences of the concentrations of anionic surfactants between morning and afternoon were not observed in the junior high school, the concentrations of anionic surfactant in drainage water from the dormitory in the morning were higher than those in the afternoon. The drastic change of anionic surfactant concentrations were not observed between November and December.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {神戸女学院の排水中の有機物、界面活性剤、窒素およびリンの濃度}, volume = {64}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ハリノ, ヒロヤ and ミムラ, ナツミ and ナカジマ, ヒカル and ヤツヅカ, エミ and ヤマオ, チアキ} }