@article{oai:kobe-c.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005615, author = {張野, 宏也 and HARINO, Hiroya and 川瀬, 美桜 and KAWASE, Mio and 高橋, 瑞季 and TAKAHASHI, Mizuki and 長谷川, 有紀 and HASEGAWA, Yuki}, issue = {2}, journal = {神戸女学院大学論集, KOBE COLLEGE STUDIES}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究では阪急甲陽園近隣に位置する大池を対象とし、COD(化学的酸素要求量)、透視度、溶存酸素、全窒素、全リン、クロロフィルの濃度を測定した。2017年4月~11月に大池内で検出されたCODの濃度範囲は1.8~18mg/L で平均値は3.8mg/Lであった。一方、大池への流入水は、1.2~9.6mg/Lで平均値は2.6mg/L と大池内の濃度に比べて低かった。大池内のCODの季節変動をみると、6~8月に高かったが、透視度への影響はなかった。また、溶存酸素は水生生物が生息するのに十分な濃度であったが、全窒素と全リン濃度は他の池に比べて高かった。この要因として、流入水からの負荷と生物の死骸や釣り餌の池内への堆積であることが考えられる。また、大池への流入水を浄化するために礫間接触が設置されているが、現在はほとんど機能していないことがわかった。, Concentrations of chemical oxygen demand (COD) ,transparency, dissolved oxygen, total nitrogen, chlorophyll, and total phosphorous were measured in water samples from Oike pond. The concentrations of COD were in the range of 1.8-18mg/L (mean: 3.8mg/L) during April and November in 2017. The concentrations in influent to Oike pond were in the range of 1.2-9.6 mg/L (mean: 2.6 mg/L) and these values were lower than those in water samples in Oike pond. Although the concentration of COD in Oike pond was high during June and August, the effect to transparency was not observed. The concentrations of dissolved oxygen was enough for those which aquatic organisms required. The concentrations of total nitrogen and the total phosphorous were high in water samples in comparison with another pond in Nishinomiya city, suggesting the burden of these compounds from influent, and the elution of these compounds by the deposition of fishing bait and the carcasses of aquatic organisms. Although the contact purification between gravel was set up between the pond and the inflowing river, this equipment did not work.}, pages = {11--23}, title = {大池の水質調査}, volume = {65}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ハリノ, ヒロヤ and カワセ, ミオ and タカハシ, ミズキ and ハセガワ, ユキ} }