@article{oai:kobe-c.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005697, author = {三杉, 圭子 and MISUGI, Keiko}, issue = {2}, journal = {神戸女学院大学論集, KOBE COLLEGE STUDIES}, month = {Dec}, note = {1920年代、ジョン・ドス・パソスはモダニズム作家として多様な前衛芸術に関わった。彼はヨーロッパでは実験的な演劇や舞台芸術に触れ、ニューヨークでは戯曲家、そして劇団ニュー・プレイライツ・シアターの監督として活動した。本論文ではこのドス・パソスの演劇との関わりを身体的芸術表現の一環として考察する。彼は当時の前衛演劇から多くのインスピレーションを得、様々な技法を学んだ。のちの代表作『U.S.A.』三部作で、「ニューズリール」、「カメラ・アイ」、歴史上の人物の伝記的スケッチ、そして虚構の登場人物の物語、といった異なる語りの話法を巧みに組み合わせたのはその成果である。本論文ではドス・パソスにおける身体的芸術表現としての演劇の重要性を確認し、戯曲家および劇団の監督としての彼の仕事を検証する。さらに、ドス・パソスがヨーロッパの前衛的な演劇や舞台芸術をとおしてコラージュおよびモンタージュ技法と遭遇したこととその意義を考察する。戯曲家、監督としてのドス・パソスの試みは失敗に終わったものの、前衛演劇との関わりは、彼の文学上の実験を推し進め、三部作において斬新な語りの技法を成功させる原動力となったのである。, As a modernist writer, John Dos Passos associated himself with a wide variety of avant-garde art during the 1920s. While his 1925 novel Manhattan Transfer received critical acclaim, his vast travels and inclination toward leftist ideology led him to become deeply involved with experimental theater. While in Europe, he immersed himself in plays and the performing arts overall, while in New York City, he promoted theater as a playwright and director for the New Playwrights Theatre. This article focuses on Dos Passos’s theatrical involvement as an effort to express corporeality beyond print or the literary text. He drew inspiration and techniques from modernist experimental theater and integrated them in his U.S.A. Trilogy. The 42nd Parallel (1930), the first volume that was republished in 1938 as part of the trilogy, displays an ingenious combination of innovative narrative devices such as in “Newsreel” and “Camera Eye,” along with a series of biographical sketches of public figures and stories of fictional characters. I first discuss the attraction of theater to Dos Passos as an embodiment of his passion for corporeal expression in art and then survey his oeuvre from his position as both playwright and director for the New Playwrights Theatre. Next, I investigate Dos Passos’s other encounters with theater and the performing arts: namely, collage and montage that he embraced after his exposure to theater overseas. Though Dos Passos’s attempts as a playwright and theater director failed, these experiences inspired his daring spirit and the innovative narrative devices to flourish in the U.S.A. Trilogy.}, pages = {33--50}, title = {John Dos Passos’s Corporeal Experimentations through 1920’s Theater}, volume = {66}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ミスギ, ケイコ} }