@article{oai:kobe-c.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005852, author = {野嵜, 玲児 and NOZAKI, Reiji and 井坂, 真以美 and 奥谷, 絵梨子 and ISAKA, Maimi and OKUTANI, Eriko}, issue = {2}, journal = {神戸女学院大学論集, KOBE COLLEGE STUDIES}, month = {Dec}, note = {神戸女学院の岡田山キャンパスは兵庫県南東部、西宮市の南部に位置し、瀬戸内海性気候下の暖温帯域に属している。神戸女学院は1933年に神戸から岡田山に移転し、この地で90年余りの歴史をもつ。キャンパスの総面積は 14 ha、その35%に相当する約5ha が鬱蒼とした天然林に被われており、都市に浮かぶ緑の島として地域の自然環境や生物多様性の保全に重要な役割を果たしている。岡田山キャンパスに棲息する脊椎動物相を明らかにするために、著者らによるフィールドでの観察および赤外線自動カメラによる記録をもとに、その種類をとりまとめた。その結果、岡田山キャンパス産の脊椎動物として、淡水魚類3種、両生類4種、爬虫類7種、鳥類103種、哺乳類13種の計130種が記録された。このうち、91.5%の種は在来種であったが、ウシガエル、ミシシッピアカミミガメ、ドバトなどの鳥類3種、クマネズミ属の1種、アライグマ、ハクビシン、ネコなどの5種の食肉目動物が外来種であった。哺乳類のうち、アライグマ、ホンドタヌキ、ニホンアナグマ、ニホンテンの少なくとも4種は、岡田山キャンパスに定住して繁殖していると考えられた。, The Okadayama Campus of Kobe College is in the southern part of Nishinomiya City, one of the core cities of southeastern Hyogo prefecture, with 400,000 inhabitants. The climate in the area is warm-temperate, and is influenced by the Seto Inland Sea climate. The campus covers an area of ca. 14 ha and its elevation ranges from 8 to 50 m above sea level. Nearly 35% of the area is occupied by semi-natural forests, dominated by broad-leaved evergreen trees, including Cinnamomum camphora, Daphniphyllum teijsmannii, and Quercus glauca, and broad-leaved deciduous trees, including Quercus serrata, Aphananthe aspera, and Celtis sinensis. This forest has been isolated by urbanization, appearing as a “forest island” in an urban landscape, providing a good refugium for various organisms including plants, insects, birds, and mammals. Toward the completion of the taxonomic inventory of the Okadayama Campus’s biota, we investigated vertebrate species that inhabit or temporary visit the campus, by field observations and automated photography. On Okadayama Campus, 93 bird species belonging to 35 families have been recorded in previous studies. The present study describes 10 bird species newly added to the campus’s avifauna, bringing the total to 103 bird species. Three species of freshwater fish, and four amphibians, seven reptiles, and 13 mammal species are recorded as vertebrate fauna of the campus. The number of species of vertebrate fauna totals 130. Of these, 91.5 % are of native origin. One frog, one turtle, three birds, one rat, and five carnivora species are of exotic origin. Among mammalian species, the Raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), Raccoon (Procyon lotor), Japanese badger (Meles anakuma), and Japanese marten (Martes melampus) are presumed to represent resident breeding populations on campus.}, pages = {61--78}, title = {神戸女学院岡田山キャンパスの脊椎動物相}, volume = {68}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ノザキ, レイジ and イサカ, マイミ and オクタニ, エリコ} }