@article{oai:kobe-c.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006046, author = {津上, 智実 and TSUGAMI, Motomi}, issue = {2}, journal = {神戸女学院大学論集, KOBE COLLEGE STUDIES}, month = {Dec}, note = {本稿の目的は、明治末から昭和戦前期にかけて断続的に存続・活動した合唱団体「東京コーラル・ソサエティ Tokyo Choral Society」の実態と活動歴、その性格と歴史的な意義とを明らかにすることである。  その活動歴を英字新聞『ジャパン・タイムズ』の掲載記事から洗い出して、トライアル期(1908)、第1期(1916-20)、第2期(1922-23)、第3期(1925-35)の4期に区分し、各期の活動の概要と演奏曲目とを明らかにした。その結果、メンデルスゾーンやヘンデルの作品を中心に、日本初演を含む多数のオラトリオや宗教曲を公開演奏したことが判明した。指揮者としてはフロレンス・アイグルハート、ヒュー・ホーン、フレッド・ゲーリーの3名の貢献が大きい。  構成メンバーには英米系のキリスト教宣教師とその妻や娘が多数含まれ、演奏会の多くは福祉施設等のためのチャリティーを目的とするもので、音楽による奉仕という性格を持つ。1927年には邦人メンバーも増え、1932年から日本人指揮者によるオラトリオの定期的な演奏が始まると、そのサポートに回るなど、教会音楽家の育成に寄与した功績が認められる。, The purpose of this paper is to clarify the activities, character and historical significance of the Tokyo Choral Society, which met intermittently from the end of the Meiji period to the prewar Showa period.  From articles published in the newspaper The Japan Times, its activities were surveyed and divided into four periods, namely, the trial period (1908), the first period (1916-20), the second period (1922-23), and the third period (1925-35). Outlining the ups and downs of the organization’s activities, musical works performed on stage in each period were revealed. The first period emphasized such oratorios by F. Mendelssohn, as “Elijah”, “Hymn of Praise”, and “St. Paul”, and the “Requiem” of J. Brahms, the second period by L. Spohr (“The Last Judgement”) and G. F. Handel (“Messiah”), and the third by C. Gounod (“Gallia”), T. Dubois (“The Seven Last Words of Christ”), J. Haydn (“The Creation”), J. S. Bach (“Christmas Oratorio”), F. Schubert (“Mass in E Flat”), and G. Rossini (“Stabat Mater”), in addition to Mendelssohn (“Elijah”) and Handel (“Messiah”). The performances included their Japan premieres.  As main conductors, Florence Iglehart, Hugh Horn, and Daniel Fred Gearly made contributions.  Choir members included many Anglo-American Christian missionaries and their wives and daughters. Most of the concerts were aimed as charity ones for welfare facilities, etc., clearly having the character of ‘service through music’. Its contribution to the cultivation of religious music and church musicians in Japan was especially visible in 1927, when the number of its Japanese members surged, and in 1932, when it started to support the regular performances of oratorio, Handel’s “Messiah” by a young Japanese conductor, NAKADA Ugo.}, pages = {91--107}, title = {歌の系譜:戦前の東京コーラル・ソサエティ}, volume = {69}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ツガミ, モトミ} }